Home Happy New Year

Happy New Year

2015 was kind of great. But also a disappointing one that once again confirmed the Babel Theory.

What is the Babel Theory?

I’m guessing you’ve ever heard the tower of Babel story. If not read this.

Currently we are not able to build our Tower of Babel not because we speak different languages. Duh we have Google Translate for that. But the app store. Everyone is focused on putting something on the AppStore,PlayStore,Windows shop or some other store. Funny thing is most of them can all be categorized under Uber for this or Messaging for that.

With this huge number doing this everyday no wonder we call a two-wheel scooter a hover board.

All the same it was a good year. I mean lets take SpaceX’s Falcon9,Blue Origin’s New Shepard,Tesla’s PowerWall. Bill and Melinda Gates work with their Foundation, Elon Musk and companies. These are just few of the solutions and people who inspired me in 2015.

2015 is gone. There were lots of things I wanted to do last year that couldn’t. I read a blog about how an indie game dev developed 12 games in a year.One every month. I wanted to do the same in 2015. It was terrible. Very terrible.

Well,I’ll try again.

If you followed SpaceX and Blue Origin rocket launch to space for 2015, you’ll notice lots differences. And what really caught my attention has nothing to do with the type rockets or limitations to suborbital flights. These are obvious or lets say out there. The public relation is what caught my attention. SpaceX publicized their launch so the world saw their 2 failed attempts,realtime, before the success. But for Blue Origin we saw only their success. Was that their first attempt?. I’m not sure and I don’t know but the video was released after.

I used the Blue Origin approach last year,when I tried to work on 12 different projects last year. As I already mentioned, didn’t work well.

So this year,I’m switching it up to the SpaceX approach. So this is me saying I’ll be working on 12 new personal projects,one for each month for the year 2016. Some of them will be opensource some may not. But every project will be accompanied with a blog post about how it works and how it was developed. I might work with other devs on some as well.

I’m looking forward to 2016. Hoping for interesting projects,very good solutions and an awesome 2016.

Happy 2016. Stay winning.

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